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Espresso grind size

Use the tool below to find the right grind settings for espresso on your coffee grinder — read on for more tips on espresso grind size.

Note: Moka pots are sometimes referred to as stove-top espresso makers, if you have a moka pot, you should use our moka pot grind size tool instead.

Select your coffee grinder's brand and model This tool will output your grinder's settings for Espresso
For Espresso you need a grind size between 180 microns and 380 microns.No grinder selected. Select a grinder to view grind settings.
A stainless steel flat burr on a grey background

Coffee grind size chart

Interested in settings for other brew methods? Check out our extensive tool here.
Table of contents

The best grind size for espresso

The grind size for espresso should have a consistency between a rough powder and fine sand — between 180-380 microns (μm).

This fine, narrow boundary between the upper and lower grind size is due to the high pressures required to create a good cup of espresso.

Too fine and the grounds will block the portafilter. Too coarse and your machine won't be able to generate enough pressure to make espresso — leaving you with a watery brew.

How to grind coffee for espresso

To produce an espresso grind size, you'll need a burr grinder. Unlike blade grinders, burr grinders produce a more consistent particle distribution over a wider range of grind sizes – this is especially important for a brew method like espresso.

We recommend a hand or electric burr grinder. Electric grinders are much faster and easier to use, while manual/hand grinders are more portable and are generally more affordable.

Product recommendation

Baratza Encore

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Baratta Encore white background

What pre-ground coffee should I use for an espresso machine?

You should use freshly ground coffee to get the best results when making espresso, but you can still get a good tasting espresso from pre-ground coffee too.

Make sure the grind size of the packet you're buying matches the recommended size for espresso. If the pack doesn't explicitly say that it is for espresso then don't buy it. It will probably have a picture of an espresso machine/portafilter on it.

The best coffee to water ratio for espresso

We recommend a coffee to water ratio of 1:2 for a moka pot, but your ratio can be anywhere between 1:1.5 for a strong coffee and 1:2.5 for a weaker coffee.

A cube of water hovering over a rectangular block of coffee grounds on a grey background.

Coffee to water ratio calculator

Use this tool to find the best coffee to water ratio for your espresso.

What should I do if my espresso tastes too bitter?

1. Increase grind size — Overly bitter coffee can be because of over-extraction. Changing your grinder settings to a coarser grind size lowers the surface area of your grounds — this reduces the contact of the water with bitter tasting compounds.
2. Reduce brewing time — The longer you brew your grounds the more bitter compounds will end up in your espresso. If you've already changed the grind size to a coarser grind you'll find the water more easily passes through the coffee. So the time it takes to make your espresso will already be reduced.
3. Reduce temperature — 93°C / 199°F is the typical temperature for brewing espresso. If your espresso machine is brewing at a higher temperature it may be worth reducing the temperature as a higher temperature speeds up the extraction; dissolving bitter compounds sooner.
4. Clean your espresso machine — Having dirty old dregs of coffee in your espresso machine can create a bitter flavour. Make sure you keep your espresso machine nice and clean.

What should I do if my espresso is too sour?

Most of the compounds that make an espresso sour are dissolved at the beginning of the brewing process. Here's how to get a balanced flavour:

1. Decrease grind size — Having smaller coffee particles increases the surface area of your grounds. This creates more contact with the water so more desirable flavours will be extracted.
2. Increase brewing time — A smaller grind size will make it harder for water to pass through your grounds increasing the brewing time, so make sure you keep that in mind before changing both at the same time. Increasing the brew time of your espresso allows for more compounds from your coffee to dissolve into your espresso giving balancing out the sour flavours.
3. Increase temperature — Espresso is typically brewed at 93°C / 199°F, so if you're espresso is still sour after changing the grind size and brewing time, it could be that your water isn't hot enough.

What should I do if my espresso is too watery?

Use more coffee — Sounds obvious, but if your coffee is all water and no coffee, use more coffee. Different beans and roasts will require more or less coffee to get the effect your desire.

What should I do if my espresso is too strong?

Use less coffee — using a little less coffee could get you the results you desire, this will dissolve fewer solids into your brew and make it easier for water to pass through.

Espresso being too strong is often confused with bitterness — a overly strong espresso is often too bitter, but it can be too sour.

Changing other factors such as grind size will also change the strength of your coffee. We recommend changing the amount of coffee first as grind size will effect other factors like flavour.

Coffee Tasting Cards for Dialling-in Espresso

The perfect way to keep track of your espresso routine.

Does tamping pressure matter?

No, it doesn't. Espresso machines exert such a huge amount of pressure on the coffee that any gaps and pockets of air are pushed out instantaneously. Not tamping at all however will result in a bad cup, as the coffee bed won't be flat, but there's no need to put your whole body weight on the tamper either. A firm push with the hand is all you need.

What really matters is that the coffee is evenly distributed in the basket before and during tamping, and that the coffee bed is as level as possible. This will allow water to travel through the grounds evenly, allowing for better extraction.

Espresso grind size settings table

Below is a table of all the coffee grinders in our database and the settings you should set them to make an espresso.

Grinder settings for Espresso
1ZpressoJ-Max0.6.9 – 1.5.3Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJ-Max S0.6.9 – 1.5.3Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJ-Ultra0.7.4 – 1.5.4Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJE1.0.2 – 2.1.2Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX0.6.2 – 1.4.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX S0.6.2 – 1.4.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX-Pro1.0.0 – 2.0.3Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX-Pro S1.0.0 – 2.0.3Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Max0.2.3 – 0.4.7Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Plus0.2.2 – 0.4.5Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Pro0.2.3 – 0.4.7Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Ultra0.2.4 – 0.5Rotations from zero
1ZpressoQ Air0.5.1 – 1.1.0
1ZpressoQ2 (Heptagonal burrs)0.5.1 – 1.1.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoQ2 (Pentagonal burrs)0.5.1 – 1.1.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoQ2 S0.5.1 – 1.1.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoX-Pro0.3.5 – 1.1.3Rotations from zero
1ZpressoX-Pro S0.3.5 – 1.1.3Rotations from zero
1ZpressoX-Ultra0.3.6 – 1.1.5Rotations from zero
1ZpressoZP6N/ARotations from zero
1ZpressoZP6 Special0.0.0 – 0.0.4Rotations from zero
AcaiaOrbit2.5 – 5.0Rotations from zero
AnfimBest0 – 4.2
BalmudaCoffee Mill3 – 6Clicks from zero
BaratzaEncore0 – 5
BaratzaEncore ESP0 – 13
BaratzaForté AP1A – 2Q
BaratzaForté BG1A – 2Q
BaratzaMaestro1 – 9
BaratzaMaestro Plus1 – 9
BaratzaPreciso1A – 8E
BaratzaSette 2701 – 7
BaratzaSette 270 W1 – 7
BaratzaSette 270 Wi1 – 7
BaratzaSette 301 – 7
BaratzaStarbucks Barista1 – 9
BaratzaVario1A – 2O
BaratzaVario W1A – 2O
BaratzaVario W+1A – 2N
BaratzaVario+1A – 2N
BaratzaVirtuoso0 – 8
BaratzaVirtuoso+0 – 7
Barista & CoCore All Grind0 – 8
Barista SpacePremium Coffee Hand Grinder8 – 16Clicks from zero
BelleLifeElectric Coffee Grinder1 – 7
BentwoodVertical 63180 – 380
BodumBistro 10903FINE – FINENumber of dots
Breville (Sage)The Dose Control Pro1 – 18
Breville (Sage)The Smart Grinder Pro1 – 18
CafflanoGrinder4 – 6Rotations from zero
CapressoInfinity1 – 3
CapressoInfinity Plus1 – 3
ComandanteC40 MK47 – 13Clicks from zero
ComandanteC40 MK4 (with Red Clix)14 – 27Clicks from zero
ComandanteC60 Baracuda10 – 19Clicks from zero
ComandanteC60 Baracuda (with Gold Clix)19 – 38Clicks from zero
ComandanteX25 Trailmaster7 – 13Clicks from zero
ComandanteX25 Trailmaster (with Red Clix)14 – 27Clicks from zero
CompakK3 Push0 – 3
CompakK3 Touch0 – 3
CompakK3 Touch Advanced0 – 3
CoresCone Grinder C3301 – 1.25
CuisinartDBM-8N/ANumber of dots
De'LonghiKG790 – 0Clicks
De'LonghiKG890 – 0Clicks
EpeiosEssense Go0 – 8
Etzingeretz-I (Regular)1.5 – 5.5
Etzingeretz-I (Trim)1.5 – 5.5
Etzingeretz-U1.5 – 5.5
EurekaAtom 600.5 – 5Numbers from zero
EurekaDrogheria MCD40.6 – 2.6
EurekaMignon Classico0 – 1.5Rotations from zero
EurekaMignon Oro0 – 7.1Numbers from zero
EurekaMignon Oro XL0 – 7.1Numbers from zero
EurekaMignon Silenzio0 – 3.5Rotations from zero
EurekaMignon Specialità0 – 3.5Rotations from zero
FellowOde Brew Grinder Gen 1N/A
FellowOde Brew Grinder Gen 21 – 2
FellowOpus1 – 2.5
FiorenzatoPietro0.2 – 2.8
Fiorenzato (Sanremo)Allground7 – 30Number of Dots
Fiorenzato (Sanremo)Allground Sense7 – 30Number of Dots
Flair EspressoRoyal Grinder4.5 – 9.5Numbers from zero
Fuji RoyalR-2201 – 2
Goat StoryArco0/30 – 1/3Rotations from zero
HandgroundPrecision Coffee Grinder0 – 0
HarioMini Mill PLUS1 – 3Clicks from zero
HarioMini Mill Slim1 – 3Clicks from zero
HarioMini Mill Slim PRO1 – 3Clicks from zero
HarioSkerton1 – 1Notches from zero
HarioSkerton PLUS1 – 1Notches from zero
HarioSkerton PRO1 – 1Notches from zero
HarioSmart-G1 – 2Clicks from zero
HarioV60 EVC-8B0.5 – 2
HarioV60 EVCG-8B-E1 – 5
Helor10111 – 21Clicks from zero
Helor106 Flux0.4.4 – 0.9Rotations from zero
HeyCaféH10.9 – 2.5
HongbeiCoffee Grinder5 – 8Clicks from zero
JavaPresseManual Coffee Grinder2 – 4
Joy ResolveGroove Compact0 – 5Clicks from zero
KaldiCeramic Coffee Mill0.2 – 0.2Rotations from zero
KalitaDIA Coffee Mill0.25 – 0.25Rotations from zero
KalitaNext GN/ADots
KalitaNice Cut GN/A
KansoHiku0.5 – 0.95
KINGrinderK025 – 51Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK125 – 51Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK225 – 51Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK325 – 51Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK40.22 – 0.45Rotations from zero
KINGrinderK525 – 51Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK60.22 – 0.45Rotations from zero
KINGrinderP017 – 35Number of clicks
KINGrinderP117 – 35Number of clicks
KINGrinderP217 – 35Number of clicks
KinuM47 Classic1.1 – 2.3Rotations from zero
KinuM47 Phoenix1.1 – 2.3Rotations from zero
KinuM47 Simplicity1.1 – 2.3Rotations from zero
KinuM47 Traveller1.1 – 2.3Rotations from zero
KitchenAidArtisan Coffee Grinder 5KCG07028 – 8
KitchenAidCoffee Grinder 5KCG843370 – 60
KnockAergrind0.8 – 1.4.2Rotations from zero
KnockFeld20.8 – 1.4Rotations from zero
KnockFeldgrind0.9 – 1.5Rotations from zero
KrupsGVX11 – 1Number of dots
KrupsGVX21 – 1Number of dots
KrupsGX50001 – 1
KrupsGX6000N/ANumber of dots
MahlkönigEK43 (0-16)0 – 5.1
MahlkönigEK43 (1-11)1 – 4.2
MahlkönigEK43 S0 – 5.1Rotations from zero
MahlkönigGH2 (HC880)2 – 4Number of lines
MahlkönigVTA 6S2 – 4
MahlkönigVTA 6S W2 – 4
MahlkönigX541 – 8
MazzerZM180 – 380Microns from zero
MazzerZM Plus180 – 380Microns from zero
MelittaMolino1 – 3
MHW-3BOMBERBlade R30.3 – 7.3Rotations from zero
MiiCoffeeD40+0.8 – 2.5
montwaveGU24 – 7Clicks from zero
NicheZero0.15 – 0.30Rotations from zero
Option-OLagom Mini (Moonshine burrs)18 – 38Dots from zero
Option-OLagom Mini (Obsidian burrs)26 – 53Dots from zero
Option-OLagom P640 – 1.3
Orphan EspressoLido OG200-20 – 400-20
OXOConical Burr Coffee Grinder1 – 3.2
PineconePinion0 – 1Clicks from zero
PorlexMini2 – 3Clicks from zero
PorlexMini II4 – 6Clicks from zero
PorlexTall2 – 3Clicks from zero
PorlexTall II4 – 6Clicks from zero
PrecisionGS300 – 1
RancilioRocky0 – 11
RancilioRocky SD0 – 11
ROKGrinderGC1 – 6Clicks from zero
Saint Anthony IndustriesMillwright Hand Grinder13 – 26Clicks from zero
SmegCGF010 – 4
SmegCGF110 – 4
TimemoreC26 – 12Clicks from zero
TimemoreC2 Fold6 – 12Clicks from zero
TimemoreC2 Max6 – 12Clicks from zero
TimemoreC2 Max Pro6 – 12Clicks from zero
TimemoreC35 – 10Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3 ESP0.5.2 – 1.1Rotations from zero
TimemoreC3 ESP Pro0.5.2 – 1.1Rotations from zero
TimemoreC3 Max5 – 10Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3 Max Pro5 – 10Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3 Pro5 – 10Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3S5 – 10Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3S Pro5 – 10Clicks from zero
TimemoreChestnut X2.8 – 8Rotations from zero
TimemoreG15 – 10Clicks from zero
TimemoreG1 Plus5 – 10Clicks from zero
TimemoreMillab E010.5.2 – 1.1Clicks from zero
TimemoreNano7 – 13Clicks from zero
TimemoreS30 – 0.5Clicks from zero
TimemoreSculptor 0640 – 0
TimemoreSculptor 064S0 – 2.9
TimemoreSculptor 0780 – 0
TimemoreSculptor 078S0 – 2.6
TimemoreSlim6 – 12Rotations from zero
TurinDF548 – 30
TurinDF643 – 19
TurinDF64 (Gen 2)0 – 20
TurinDF64V8 – 27
TurinDF838 – 28
TurinDF83V5 – 22
TurinSD40 V12.8 – 6.8
TurinSD40 V22.8 – 6.8
VariaEvo Hybrid11 – 51
VariaHand grinder11 – 22Clicks from zero
VariaVS3 (Gen 1)0.2 – 3.3Numbers from zero
VariaVS3 (Gen 2)0.2 – 3.3Numbers from zero
Vevok Chef06N/A
Vevok Chef06 SlimN/A
VSSLJAVA0 – 0Clicks from zero
WacacoExagrind3 – 17Clicks from zero
Weber WorkshopsEG-1+3.6 – +7.6Numbers from burr lock position
Weber WorkshopsKEY Mk10.8.8 – 1.3.0
WilfaBalance1 – 2
WilfaSvart1 – 2Number of dots
WilfaSvart Aroma1 – 2Number of dots
WilfaUniform1 – 9
ZwillingEnfinigy Coffee Grinder0 – 25