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French Press Grind Size

Use the tool below to quickly find the right grind settings for a cafetière — or read on for more information about French press grind sizes.

A stainless steel flat burr on a grey background

Coffee grind size chart

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What is the best grind size for French press?

For a French press, a coarse grind is recommended, but a medium grind is also acceptable. This grind size range will fall somewhere between 690-1300 microns(μm). Coarse grounds resemble small breadcrumbs and feel like sea salt in texture.

Using a coarser grind for your French press is essential because it allows for proper extraction during the steeping process. When you use a coarse ground, the coffee particles are less likely to pass through the filter, resulting in a cleaner cup with a full-bodied and well-extracted flavour. If the grind is too fine, it can lead to over-extraction and a muddy, bitter taste in your French press coffee.

Can I use pre-ground coffee in a French press?

Yes — you can use pre-ground coffee for a French press.

While grinding your beans just before brewing is ideal for freshness, high-quality pre-ground coffee can still yield a good cup. Make sure the grind size matches the French press requirements, typically medium - coarse.

Make sure to store your pre-ground coffee in an airtight container to maintain its freshness after opening.

Can I use an espresso grind or a fine grind for French press coffee?

No — An espresso grind size is much too fine for a French press, and will create extremely over-extracted coffee. It will taste very bitter, astringent and over-whelming. It will also clog up the metal mesh filter.

How about a medium grind for a French press?

If you prefer a stronger coffee, you can use a medium grind. This is finer than what most people brew with, but can create a good brew.

Make sure to decrease brewing time significantly, to avoid over-extracting the coffee.

What should I do if my French press coffee tastes bitter or sour?

Follow these steps to improve your coffee. They are in order of most to least effective — so if the first steps don’t work for you, trying going down the list until you identify what’s causing the bad taste.

If it tastes too bitter:

  1. Increase grind size — Use a slightly coarser grind for your coffee. A finer grind can lead to over-extraction and bitterness.
  2. Reduce Brewing Time — If your coffee brews for too long, it can over-extract bitter compounds and flavours that are normally harder to dissolve in water.
  3. Less agitation — If you stir or swirl your french press, then try lessening your movements or stop doing it altogether. Agitation speeds up the brewing process significantly, the same way sugar dissolves in hot water faster when stirred.
  4. Reduce temperature — Use cooler water, because hotter water increases the rate of extraction. Do this by waiting for water off the boil to cool, use a cooking thermometer, or use a kettle with a in-built thermometer.

If it tastes too sour:

  1. Reduce grind Size — If your coffee tastes sour, it may be under-extracted. Try using a slightly finer grind to increase the extraction of sweeter compounds.
  2. Increase brewing time — Increase the brewing time slightly to allow for more extraction. Start by adding an extra 30 seconds from your normal routine and adjust as needed.
  3. More agitation — Try stirring the coffee water slurry gently with a spoon to increase the interaction of the mixture. Don’t overdo it when trying for the first time, as you may over-extract the brew. Three or four stirs with a spoon should do it.
  4. Increase temperature — Cooler water can result in under-extraction. Try using water straight off the boil and see how it tastes — There is a misconception that boiling water burns coffee, but water cools very quickly after pouring so this is not a concern.

The best coffee to water ratio for a French press

We recommend a coffee to water ratio of 1:15 for a French press, but depending on how strong you want your coffee to be, your ratio can be anywhere between 1:12 for a strong brew and 1:18 for a weaker brew.

If your coffee tastes too strong:

Increase the coffee to water ratio. Using less coffee relative to the amount of water can result in a milder brew.

  • Decrease the amount of coffee grounds you use while keeping the water quantity the same…
  • …or increase the amount of water while keeping the coffee quantity the same.

If your coffee tastes too weak:

Decrease the coffee to water ratio. Using more coffee relative to the amount of water can result in a stronger brew.

  • Increase the amount of coffee grounds you use while keeping the water quantity the same…
  • …or decrease the amount of water while keeping the coffee quantity the same.

Why fines in your French press coffee are not a bad sign

Coffee fines are small particles of coffee that are produced during the grinding process. These particles are significantly smaller than the main coffee grounds and often resemble fine dust or powder.

Fines are desirable when creating drinks with strong body, texture and mouthfeel. The French press is a go-to brewer for creating this kind of coffee — for the same reason Turkish coffee and moka pots are favoured for their gritty texture too.

But if you don’t enjoy this texture, there are methods (listed in the next segment) to reduce it significantly.

How do I reduce coffee grounds from ending up in my cup when using a French press?

Use the correct grind size — Use a coarser grind for your coffee beans. This will help prevent small coffee particles from passing through the mesh filter.

Break and stir the crust — After brewing, gently break the crust that forms on the surface with a spoon. This crust contains lots of fines that can block the plunger and penetrate through the filter when pressing. By breaking and stirring, the grounds sink to the bottom of the brewer — the difference in resistance when pressing is quite substantial.

Plunge slowly — If you press the plunger down too fast, the fines are more likely to be forced through the filter. Rest your hand or hands on the plunger and press down gently — sometimes the weight of your arms is enough to do the work.

Avoid the dregs — The final liquid at the bottom of the french press will be saturated with coffee particles. Avoid drinking this if you don’t enjoy a silty textured cup.

Using a second filter — After brewing pour your coffee through a paper coffee filter or a fine-mesh sieve before drinking. This is more effort than the other tips, but it is a very effective way of eliminating coffee fines. There are also some paper filters specifically designed to be put inside a french press.

French Press grinder settings table

Here's all the grinder settings from the tool at the beginning of the article in a neat table. Find the correct French press settings for over 200 grinders, by brand and model. If your grinder isn't on the list, send us an email and we'll add it!

Grinder settings for French Press
1ZpressoJ-Max2.8.1 – 5.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJ-Max S2.8.1 – 5.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJ-Ultra2.8.1 – 5.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJE3.9.2 – 5.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX2.5.2 – 4.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX S2.5.2 – 4.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX-Pro3.7.3 – 5.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX-Pro S3.7.3 – 5.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Max0.8.6 – 1.7.1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Plus0.8.4 – 1.6.6Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Pro0.8.6 – 1.7.1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Ultra0.9.1 – 1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoQ Air2.0.1 – 3.8.0
1ZpressoQ2 (Heptagonal burrs)2.0.1 – 3.8.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoQ2 (Pentagonal burrs)2.0.1 – 3.8.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoQ2 S2.0.1 – 3.8.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoX-Pro2.1.4 – 4.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoX-Pro S2.1.4 – 4.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoX-Ultra2.1.7 – 4.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoZP60.2.1 – 0.6.4Rotations from zero
1ZpressoZP6 Special0.4.2 – 1.2.4Rotations from zero
AcaiaOrbit9.3 – 1+7.3Rotations from zero
AnfimBest11.6 – 25.6
BalmudaCoffee Mill12 – 21Clicks from zero
BaratzaEncore19 – 40
BaratzaEncore ESP25 – 38
BaratzaForté AP6A – 10Z
BaratzaForté BG6A – 10Z
BaratzaMaestro25 – 40
BaratzaMaestro Plus25 – 40
BaratzaPreciso21C – 40K
BaratzaSette 27021 – 31
BaratzaSette 270 W21 – 31
BaratzaSette 270 Wi21 – 31
BaratzaSette 3021 – 31
BaratzaStarbucks Barista25 – 40
BaratzaVario6A – 10W
BaratzaVario W6A – 10W
BaratzaVario W+6A – 10V
BaratzaVario+6A – 10V
BaratzaVirtuoso22 – 40
BaratzaVirtuoso+20 – 40
Barista & CoCore All Grind25 – 40
Barista SpacePremium Coffee Hand Grinder30 – 48Clicks from zero
BelleLifeElectric Coffee Grinder21 – 44
BentwoodVertical 63690 – 1300
BodumBistro 109035 – 11Number of dots
Breville (Sage)The Dose Control Pro48 – 60
Breville (Sage)The Smart Grinder Pro48 – 60
CafflanoGrinder1+4 – 1+8Rotations from zero
CapressoInfinity8 – 16
CapressoInfinity Plus8 – 16
ComandanteC40 MK426 – 40Clicks from zero
ComandanteC40 MK4 (with Red Clix)51 – 80Clicks from zero
ComandanteC60 Baracuda35 – 55Clicks from zero
ComandanteC60 Baracuda (with Gold Clix)70 – 110Clicks from zero
ComandanteX25 Trailmaster26 – 40Clicks from zero
ComandanteX25 Trailmaster (with Red Clix)51 – 80Clicks from zero
CompakK3 Push13 – 30
CompakK3 Touch13 – 30
CompakK3 Touch Advanced13 – 30
CoresCone Grinder C3304 – 8.5
CuisinartCBM-185 – 11
CuisinartDBM-85 – 10Number of dots
De'LonghiKG796 – 16Clicks
De'LonghiKG896 – 16Clicks
EpeiosEssense Go30 – 70
Etzingeretz-I (Regular)12.5 – 23
Etzingeretz-I (Trim)12.5 – 23
Etzingeretz-U12.5 – 23
EurekaAtom 6013 – 27.5Numbers from zero
EurekaAtom 7513 – 27.5Numbers from zero
EurekaDrogheria MCD46.1 – 8
EurekaMignon Classico5 – 1+5Rotations from zero
EurekaMignon Oro20 – 30Numbers from zero
EurekaMignon Oro XL20 – 30Numbers from zero
EurekaMignon Silenzio1+4 – 3+4Rotations from zero
EurekaMignon Specialità1+4 – 3+4Rotations from zero
FellowOde Brew Grinder Gen 12.2 – 9.2
FellowOde Brew Grinder Gen 26 – 11
FellowOpus6 – 11
FiorenzatoPietro7.0 – 10.0
Fiorenzato (Sanremo)Allground68 – 73Number of Dots
Fiorenzato (Sanremo)Allground Sense68 – 73Number of Dots
Flair EspressoRoyal Grinder17.5 – 32.5Numbers from zero
Fuji RoyalR-2205.5 – 10
Goat StoryArco1/55 – 3/36Rotations from zero
HandgroundPrecision Coffee Grinder2 – 5
HarioMini Mill PLUS9 – 18Clicks from zero
HarioMini Mill Slim9 – 18Clicks from zero
HarioMini Mill Slim PRO9 – 18Clicks from zero
HarioSkerton4 – 8Notches from zero
HarioSkerton PLUS4 – 8Notches from zero
HarioSkerton PRO4 – 8Notches from zero
HarioSmart-G7 – 12Clicks from zero
HarioV60 EVC-8B5 – 10
HarioV60 EVCG-8B-E29 – 44
Helor10140 – 74Clicks from zero
Helor106 Flux1.4.8 – 2.7.2Rotations from zero
HeyCaféH15.1 – 8
HongbeiCoffee Grinder16 – 29Clicks from zero
JavaPresseManual Coffee Grinder10 – 18
Joy ResolveGroove Compact16 – 35Clicks from zero
KaldiCeramic Coffee Mill0.5 – 1.1Rotations from zero
KalitaC-904 – 7
KalitaDIA Coffee Mill0.75 – 1Rotations from zero
KalitaNext G4 – 9Dots
KalitaNice Cut G2.5 – 5
KansoHiku1.8 – 2.2
KINGrinderK094 – 140Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK194 – 140Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK294 – 140Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK394 – 140Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK41.22 – 2.34Rotations from zero
KINGrinderK594 – 140Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK61.22 – 2.34Rotations from zero
KINGrinderP065 – 120Number of clicks
KINGrinderP165 – 120Number of clicks
KINGrinderP265 – 120Number of clicks
KinuM47 Classic4.2 – 7.8Rotations from zero
KinuM47 Phoenix4.2 – 7.8Rotations from zero
KinuM47 Simplicity4.2 – 7.8Rotations from zero
KinuM47 Traveller4.2 – 7.8Rotations from zero
KitchenAidArtisan Coffee Grinder 5KCG07024 – 1
KitchenAidCoffee Grinder 5KCG843335 – 1
KnockAergrind2.6.2 – 4.9.1Rotations from zero
KnockFeld22.6 – 4.7Rotations from zero
KnockFeldgrind2.7 – 4.9Rotations from zero
KrupsGVX110 – 17Number of dots
KrupsGVX210 – 17Number of dots
KrupsGX50005 – 11
KrupsGX60006 – 14Number of dots
MahlkönigEK43 (0-16)13.1 – 16
MahlkönigEK43 (1-11)9.2 – 11
MahlkönigEK43 S13.1 – 16Rotations from zero
MahlkönigGH2 (HC880)10 – 17Number of lines
MahlkönigVTA 6S9 – 13
MahlkönigVTA 6S W9 – 13
MahlkönigX5424 – 35
MazzerZM690 – 1300Microns from zero
MazzerZM Plus690 – 1300Microns from zero
MelittaCalibra12 – 33
MelittaMolino10 – 17
MHW-3BOMBERBlade R31+6.4 – 3+0Rotations from zero
MiiCoffeeD40+5.4 – 8
MoccamasterKM54 – 9
montwaveGU214 – 26Clicks from zero
MuellerUltra-Grind2.4 – 6.6
NicheZero0.56 – 1.14Rotations from zero
Option-OLagom Mini (Moonshine burrs)69 – 130Dots from zero
Option-OLagom Mini (Obsidian burrs)98 – 183Dots from zero
Option-OLagom P644.5 – 10
Orphan EspressoLido OG700-10 – 1300
OXOConical Burr Coffee Grinder8.2 – 15
PineconePinion13 – 32Clicks from zero
PorlexMini6 – 11Clicks from zero
PorlexMini II12 – 22Clicks from zero
PorlexTall6 – 11Clicks from zero
PorlexTall II12 – 22Clicks from zero
PrecisionGS306 – 12
RancilioRocky30 – 55
RancilioRocky SD30 – 55
ROKGrinderGC16 – 25Clicks from zero
Saint Anthony IndustriesMillwright Hand Grinder49 – 91Clicks from zero
SmegCGF0115 – 30
SmegCGF1115 – 30
TimemoreC222 – 30Clicks from zero
TimemoreC2 Fold22 – 30Clicks from zero
TimemoreC2 Max22 – 30Clicks from zero
TimemoreC2 Max Pro22 – 30Clicks from zero
TimemoreC319 – 25Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3 ESP2.0.2 – 3.0Rotations from zero
TimemoreC3 ESP Pro2.0.2 – 3.0Rotations from zero
TimemoreC3 Max19 – 25Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3 Max Pro19 – 25Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3 Pro19 – 25Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3S19 – 25Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3S Pro19 – 25Clicks from zero
TimemoreChestnut X16.4 – 24Rotations from zero
TimemoreG119 – 28Clicks from zero
TimemoreG1 Plus19 – 28Clicks from zero
TimemoreMillab E012.0.2 – 3.0Clicks from zero
TimemoreNano26 – 30Clicks from zero
TimemoreS34.2 – 9.0Clicks from zero
TimemoreSculptor 0646 – 16
TimemoreSculptor 064S9.1 – 16
TimemoreSculptor 0786.5 – 18
TimemoreSculptor 078S8.2 – 18
TimemoreSlim22 – 30Rotations from zero
TurinDF5467 – 90
TurinDF64 (Gen 1)47 – 90
TurinDF64 (Gen 2)53 – 90
TurinDF64V59 – 90
TurinDF8363 – 90
TurinDF83V50 – 90
TurinSD40 V113 – 19
TurinSD40 V213 – 19
VariaEvo Hybrid1+44 – 2+0
VariaHand grinder41 – 77Clicks from zero
VariaVS3 (Gen 1)8.3 – 18Numbers from zero
VariaVS3 (Gen 2)8.3 – 18Numbers from zero
Vevok Chef063 – 6
Vevok Chef06 Slim3 – 6
VSSLJAVA16 – 44Clicks from zero
WacacoExagrind41 – 60Clicks from zero
Weber WorkshopsEG-1+13.8 – +26Numbers from burr lock position
Weber WorkshopsKEY Mk12.3.2 – 3.0.0
WilfaBalance14 – 31
WilfaSvart10 – 18Number of dots
WilfaSvart Aroma10 – 18Number of dots
WilfaUniform25 – 41
ZwillingEnfinigy Coffee Grinder79 – 140