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Pour Over Grind Size

The best grind size for pour over is between 400-930 microns (μm) — the coffee grounds should have a consistensy of grandulated sugar or sand. Use the tool below to find the right grind settings for pour over for your coffee grinder.

A stainless steel flat burr on a grey background

Coffee grind size chart

Interested in settings for other brew methods? Check out our extensive tool here.
Table of contents

The best grind size for pour over

For a pour over, aim for a coffee grind size like granulated sugar or sand, typically between 400-930 microns (μm). This grind size allows for optimal extraction by ensuring a moderate flow rate during brewing.

The grind consistency is also crucial — too many fine particles will result in over-extracted coffee, while too many boulders will under-extract it. Have both – and you end up with the worst of both. Read further to find how you can avoid this.

There is lots of flexibility when adjusting grind size for specific pour over methods – from the V60 to the Chemex, from the Kalita Wave to the Origimi Dripper – manufacturers and coffee enthusiast will recommend completely different grind sizes. All of these brewers have their subtle advantages, but in the end the grind size varies only slightly between them.

The best grind size for V60

For a V60 you should aim for a grind size resembling fine sea salt, typically between 400-700 microns (μm). This finer grind size allows for a balanced and more controlled extraction process, which is essential for achieving the clean coffee that the V60 is known for. This is because the steep shape of the V60 dripper along with its large aperture, requires a finer grind size that can slow the flow rate.

What should I do if my Pour Over coffee tastes bitter or sour?

If it tastes too bitter:

1. Use a coarser grind — Bitterness usually stems from over-extraction. If your coffee tastes bitter, try using a coarser grind. This decreases the surface area of the coffee, reducing the extraction of bitter compounds.
2. Reduce brewing time — Ensure that you are not brewing for too long. If the water is in contact with the coffee grounds for too much time, it can extract unwanted bitter flavours. Speed up your pour rate to decrease the total brewing time.
3. Less agitation — If you stir or swirl your pour over, try reducing your movements or stopping altogether. Agitation significantly speeds up the brewing process, much like how sugar dissolves faster in hot water when stirred.
4. Lower temperature — Use cooler water, as hotter water accelerates the extraction rate. You can achieve this by letting boiling water cool slightly, using a cooking thermometer, or using a kettle with a built-in thermometer.

If it tastes too sour:

1. Use a finer grind — Sourness generally indicates under-extraction. Try using a finer grind to increase the coffee’s contact time with hot water, enhancing extraction.
2. Increase brewing time — Extend the brewing time slightly to enhance extraction. Begin by adding an additional 10 seconds to your usual routine and adjust as necessary.
3. More agitation — Experiment by gently stirring the coffee-water mixture with a spoon or chopstick to increase extraction. Start with a modest amount to avoid over-extraction, three or four stirs should work.
4. Raise temperature — Using cooler water may lead to under-extraction. Consider using water straight off the boil and taste the difference. There's a common misconception that boiling water 'burns' the coffee, but water cools rapidly upon pouring, so don't worry too much.

The face of a Kalita cooking thermometer.

The best temperature to brew coffee

Read this article to find the best temperature for pour over coffee.

Perfecting your pour over brew might require some trial and error. Begin with small adjustments to grind size, brewing time, and water temperature until you find the ideal balance.

How to get a consistent grind profile for pour over

It's really important to achieve a consistent (even) grind size, as pour overs are meant to bring our the best flavours from the coffee through clarity, which means you have to reduce fines as much possible.

To achieve a consistent grind profile for pour over coffee, you'll have to invest in a high quality burr grinder that is designed for pour over or drip coffee.

Should I use different grind sizes for different portions/sizes of pour over?

You should adjust the grind size for different portions or sizes of pour over coffee, but it's not strictly necessary.

Smaller pour over cones generally benefit from a finer grind, while larger ones may require a coarser grind to achieve the best extraction.

  • Smaller pour over cones extract coffee with less water flow, so a finer grind helps balance brew time and extraction to avoid under-extraction.
  • Larger pour over cones allow more water to pass through the grounds, so a coarser grind helps prevent over-extraction and potential bitterness in the coffee.

Although it's not essential, adjusting grind size based on pour over cone size can be beneficial. You can also maintain consistent results using the same grind size across different sizes, ensuring you adjust the coffee-to-water ratio for larger cones to maintain balance in your brew.

Do I need to grind differently for different coffee beans?

Yes, grinding differently for different coffee beans can enhance the quality and flavour of your pour over coffee. Each type of coffee bean, whether it's from a different region, variety, or roast level, has its own characteristics that interact differently with water during brewing.

Are there any specific grind size recommendations for dark and light roasted coffee for a Pour Over?

Lighter roasts typically require a finer grind to maximise extraction. Darker roasts on the other hand (which are far more porous), will benefit from a coarser grind to avoid over-extraction and bitterness.

Can I use a moka pot or espresso grind for pour over?

An espresso grind? Definitely not – it'll clog your pour over. But a coarse moka pot grind setting can overlap with a very fine V60/pour over grind setting. But as a general rule, avoid using any setting associated with espresso or moka pot.

How much coffee do I need to grind for pour over?

As a general rule, when preparing pour over coffee, you'll want to start with about 15-20 grams of coffee per person. For two people, grind around 30-40 grams of coffee. For an even larger portion, make sure you have a large enough dripper to accommodate for the amount of water you'll need.

To figure out how much water you'll need, use our coffee-to-water ratio calculator explained in the just below.

What is the best coffee to water ratio for pour over coffee?

We recommend a coffee to water ratio of 1:15 for a Pour over, but depending on how strong you want your coffee to be, your ratio can be anywhere between 1:14 for a strong brew and 1:16 for a weaker brew.

A cube of water hovering over a rectangular block of coffee grounds on a grey background.

Coffee to water ratio calculator

Use this tool to find the best moka pot coffee to water ratio for your tastes.

If your coffee tastes too strong:

Adjust the coffee-to-water ratio by using less coffee relative to the amount of water.

  • Decrease the amount of coffee grounds you use while keeping the water quantity the same…
  • …or increase the amount of water while keeping the coffee quantity the same.

If your coffee tastes too weak:

Adjust the coffee-to-water ratio by using more coffee relative to the amount of water.

  • Increase the amount of coffee grounds you use while keeping the water quantity the same…
  • …or decrease the amount of water while keeping the coffee quantity the same.

What pre-ground coffee should I use for pour over?

You can use pre-ground coffee for pour over brewing, but we don't recommend it. Pre-ground coffee quickly loses lots of its flavours and freshness soon after grinding, which explains why pre-ground coffee tastes more stale than fresh ground beans.

Although we've said that pre-ground coffee can still yield good brews in a moka pot, the same can't be said for pour over brewing. Unlike moka pot coffee, which can be suited for dark roasted coffee, pour over is much more suited for lighter roasted beans.

Light roasts rely on more delicate flavours which are prone to diminishing into the air after grinding. This is why we don't recommend for brew methods that rely on lighter roasts.

If you're getting pre-ground coffee however, ensure that the grind size matches our recommendations, and store the coffee in an airtight container to maintain its freshness after opening. Avoid light roasted pre-ground coffee, as this will lose its flavour very quickly, and won't create dark coffee that is possible with darker roasted pre-ground coffee.

Pour over grind settings table

Here's all the grinder settings from the tool at the beginning of the article in a neat table. Find the correct pour over settings for over 200 grinders, by brand and model. If your grinder isn't on the list, send us an email and we'll add it!

Grinder settings for Pour Over
1ZpressoJ-Max1.6.6 – 3.8.1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJ-Max S1.6.6 – 3.8.1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJ-Ultra1.6.7 – 3.7.8Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJE2.3.2 – 5.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX1.5.1 – 3.4.1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX S1.5.1 – 3.4.1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX-Pro2.2.2 – 5.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoJX-Pro S2.2.2 – 5.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Max0.5.1 – 1.2.5Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Plus0.5.0 – 1.2.1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Pro0.5.1 – 1.2.5Rotations from zero
1ZpressoK-Ultra0.5.4 – 1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoQ Air1.2.1 – 2.7.1
1ZpressoQ2 (Heptagonal burrs)1.2.1 – 2.7.1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoQ2 (Pentagonal burrs)1.2.1 – 2.7.1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoQ2 S1.2.1 – 2.7.1Rotations from zero
1ZpressoX-Pro1.2.0 – 3.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoX-Pro S1.2.0 – 3.0.0Rotations from zero
1ZpressoX-Ultra1.2.2 – 3.0.4Rotations from zero
1ZpressoZP60.0.0 – 0.3.7Rotations from zero
1ZpressoZP6 Special0.0.9 – 0.7.0Rotations from zero
AcaiaOrbit5.5 – 1+2.4Rotations from zero
AnfimBest5.2 – 17
BalmudaCoffee Mill7 – 15Clicks from zero
BaratzaEncore7 – 28
BaratzaEncore ESP16 – 30
BaratzaForté AP2Z – 8P
BaratzaForté BG2Z – 8P
BaratzaMaestro12 – 36
BaratzaMaestro Plus12 – 36
BaratzaPreciso9I – 31A
BaratzaSette 2709 – 30
BaratzaSette 270 W9 – 30
BaratzaSette 270 Wi9 – 30
BaratzaSette 309 – 30
BaratzaStarbucks Barista12 – 36
BaratzaVario2W – 8N
BaratzaVario W2W – 8N
BaratzaVario W+2V – 8M
BaratzaVario+2V – 8M
BaratzaVirtuoso10 – 32
BaratzaVirtuoso+9 – 29
Barista & CoCore All Grind11 – 36
Barista SpacePremium Coffee Hand Grinder18 – 39Clicks from zero
BelleLifeElectric Coffee Grinder9 – 29
BentwoodVertical 63410 – 930
BodumBistro 109032 – 7Number of dots
Breville (Sage)The Dose Control Pro21 – 60
Breville (Sage)The Smart Grinder Pro21 – 60
CafflanoGrinder8 – 1+7Rotations from zero
CapressoInfinity4 – 11
CapressoInfinity Plus4 – 11
ComandanteC40 MK416 – 34Clicks from zero
ComandanteC40 MK4 (with Red Clix)31 – 68Clicks from zero
ComandanteC60 Baracuda21 – 46Clicks from zero
ComandanteC60 Baracuda (with Gold Clix)42 – 93Clicks from zero
ComandanteX25 Trailmaster16 – 34Clicks from zero
ComandanteX25 Trailmaster (with Red Clix)31 – 68Clicks from zero
CompakK3 Push4 – 19
CompakK3 Touch4 – 19
CompakK3 Touch Advanced4 – 19
CoresCone Grinder C3301.75 – 5.75
CuisinartCBM-181 – 7
CuisinartDBM-81 – 6Number of dots
De'LonghiKG791 – 10Clicks
De'LonghiKG891 – 10Clicks
EpeiosEssense Go11 – 45
Etzingeretz-I (Regular)6.5 – 17.5
Etzingeretz-I (Trim)6.5 – 17.5
Etzingeretz-U6.5 – 17.5
EurekaAtom 606 – 18.5Numbers from zero
EurekaDrogheria MCD43.1 – 8
EurekaMignon Classico2.5 – 1+1Rotations from zero
EurekaMignon Oro9 – 29Numbers from zero
EurekaMignon Oro XL9 – 29Numbers from zero
EurekaMignon Silenzio4.5 – 2+2.5Rotations from zero
EurekaMignon Specialità4.5 – 2+2.5Rotations from zero
FellowOde Brew Grinder Gen 11 – 5.1
FellowOde Brew Grinder Gen 22.2 – 8.1
FellowOpus3 – 8.5
FiorenzatoPietro3.2 – 10.0
Fiorenzato (Sanremo)Allground34 – 73Number of Dots
Fiorenzato (Sanremo)Allground Sense34 – 73Number of Dots
Flair EspressoRoyal Grinder10.5 – 23Numbers from zero
Fuji RoyalR-2202.5 – 8
Goat StoryArco1/9 – 2/34Rotations from zero
HandgroundPrecision Coffee Grinder0.5 – 3
HarioMini Mill PLUS5 – 12Clicks from zero
HarioMini Mill Slim5 – 12Clicks from zero
HarioMini Mill Slim PRO5 – 12Clicks from zero
HarioSkerton2 – 5Notches from zero
HarioSkerton PLUS2 – 5Notches from zero
HarioSkerton PRO2 – 5Notches from zero
HarioSmart-G3 – 8Clicks from zero
HarioV60 EVC-8B2.5 – 7
HarioV60 EVCG-8B-E8 – 44
Helor10124 – 53Clicks from zero
Helor106 Flux0.10 – 1.10.4Rotations from zero
HeyCaféH12.8 – 6.9
HongbeiCoffee Grinder10 – 21Clicks from zero
JavaPresseManual Coffee Grinder5 – 12
Joy ResolveGroove Compact7 – 23Clicks from zero
KaldiCeramic Coffee Mill0.3 – 0.6Rotations from zero
KalitaC-902 – 4
KalitaDIA Coffee Mill0.5 – 0.75Rotations from zero
KalitaNext G1 – 5Dots
KalitaNice Cut G1 – 3.5
KansoHiku1.05 – 2.2
KINGrinderK056 – 126Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK156 – 126Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK256 – 126Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK356 – 126Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK40.49 – 1.50Rotations from zero
KINGrinderK556 – 126Clicks from zero
KINGrinderK60.49 – 1.50Rotations from zero
KINGrinderP039 – 86Number of clicks
KINGrinderP139 – 86Number of clicks
KINGrinderP239 – 86Number of clicks
KinuM47 Classic2.5 – 5.6Rotations from zero
KinuM47 Phoenix2.5 – 5.6Rotations from zero
KinuM47 Simplicity2.5 – 5.6Rotations from zero
KinuM47 Traveller2.5 – 5.6Rotations from zero
KitchenAidArtisan Coffee Grinder 5KCG07026 – 3
KitchenAidCoffee Grinder 5KCG843356 – 17
KnockAergrind1.6.1 – 3.5Rotations from zero
KnockFeld21.6 – 3.3Rotations from zero
KnockFeldgrind1.7 – 3.4Rotations from zero
KrupsGVX13 – 16Number of dots
KrupsGVX23 – 16Number of dots
KrupsGX50002 – 7
KrupsGX60001 – 8Number of dots
MahlkönigEK43 (0-16)6 – 16
MahlkönigEK43 (1-11)4.7 – 11
MahlkönigEK43 S6 – 16Rotations from zero
MahlkönigGH2 (HC880)6 – 14Number of lines
MahlkönigVTA 6S5 – 12
MahlkönigVTA 6S W5 – 12
MahlkönigX5410 – 35
MazzerZM410 – 930Microns from zero
MazzerZM Plus410 – 930Microns from zero
MelittaCalibra2 – 20
MelittaMolino5 – 13
MHW-3BOMBERBlade R38.4 – 2+3Rotations from zero
MiiCoffeeD40+2.9 – 7.4
MoccamasterKM51 – 6
montwaveGU29 – 18Clicks from zero
MuellerUltra-Grind1 – 4
NicheZero0.34 – 0.75Rotations from zero
Option-OLagom Mini (Moonshine burrs)41 – 93Dots from zero
Option-OLagom Mini (Obsidian burrs)58 – 131Dots from zero
Option-OLagom P641.7 – 6.8
Orphan EspressoLido OG400+10 – 900+30
OXOConical Burr Coffee Grinder4.1 – 12.1
PineconePinion3 – 20Clicks from zero
PorlexMini4 – 7Clicks from zero
PorlexMini II8 – 15Clicks from zero
PorlexTall4 – 7Clicks from zero
PorlexTall II8 – 15Clicks from zero
PrecisionGS303 – 8
RancilioRocky13 – 44
RancilioRocky SD13 – 44
ROKGrinderGC8 – 22Clicks from zero
Saint Anthony IndustriesMillwright Hand Grinder29 – 65Clicks from zero
SmegCGF016 – 22
SmegCGF116 – 22
TimemoreC213 – 29Clicks from zero
TimemoreC2 Fold13 – 29Clicks from zero
TimemoreC2 Max13 – 29Clicks from zero
TimemoreC2 Max Pro13 – 29Clicks from zero
TimemoreC311 – 24Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3 ESP1.2.1 – 2.7.1Rotations from zero
TimemoreC3 ESP Pro1.2.1 – 2.7.1Rotations from zero
TimemoreC3 Max11 – 24Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3 Max Pro11 – 24Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3 Pro11 – 24Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3S11 – 24Clicks from zero
TimemoreC3S Pro11 – 24Clicks from zero
TimemoreChestnut X8.8 – 22.6Rotations from zero
TimemoreG112 – 25Clicks from zero
TimemoreG1 Plus12 – 25Clicks from zero
TimemoreMillab E011.2.1 – 2.7.1Clicks from zero
TimemoreNano15 – 30Clicks from zero
TimemoreS31.0 – 6.9Clicks from zero
TimemoreSculptor 0641 – 10
TimemoreSculptor 064S3.5 – 13.9
TimemoreSculptor 0781 – 11
TimemoreSculptor 078S3.2 – 12.5
TimemoreSlim13 – 29Rotations from zero
TurinDF5435 – 90
TurinDF6423 – 66
TurinDF64 (Gen 2)24 – 77
TurinDF64V31 – 82
TurinDF8333 – 87
TurinDF83V25 – 70
TurinSD40 V17.4 – 17.8
TurinSD40 V27.4 – 17.8
VariaEvo Hybrid58 – 2+0
VariaHand grinder25 – 55Clicks from zero
VariaVS3 (Gen 1)3.9 – 12.1Numbers from zero
VariaVS3 (Gen 2)3.9 – 12.1Numbers from zero
Vevok Chef061 – 3
Vevok Chef06 Slim1 – 3
VSSLJAVA2 – 26Clicks from zero
WacacoExagrind20 – 58Clicks from zero
Weber WorkshopsEG-1+8.2 – +18.6Numbers from burr lock position
Weber WorkshopsKEY Mk11.4.8 – 2.14.4
WilfaBalance4 – 21
WilfaSvart4 – 14Number of dots
WilfaSvart Aroma4 – 14Number of dots
WilfaUniform11 – 36
ZwillingEnfinigy Coffee Grinder31 – 119