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Timemore C3S grind settings

The Timemore C3S can grind coffee between a range of 0 – 950 microns.

Timemore C3S grind size chart

Avoid using settings below 6 clicks, as these settings may dull the burrs.

Timemore C3S grind size chartClicks from zero024681012141618202224TurkishEspressoV60AeropressMoka PotPour OverSiphonFilter Coffee MachineFrench PressCuppingCold BrewCold DripSteep-and-release0200400600800100012001400μmExtra FineFineMedium FineMediumMedium CoarseCoarseExtra Coarse

Timemore C3S grind size table

The table below displays our recommended micron ranges for each brew method and their corresponding settings for the Timemore C3S.

Timemore C3S grind settings
Brew methodClicks from zero
Turkish2 – 5
Espresso5 – 10
V6011 – 18
Aeropress9 – 25
Moka Pot10 – 17
Pour Over11 – 24
Siphon10 – 21
Filter Coffee Machine8 – 23
French Press19 – 25
Cupping13 – 22
Cold Brew22 – 25
Cold Drip22 – 25
Steep-and-release12 – 21

Where does this information come from?

For the past five years, we’ve gathered data on coffee grinders to develop our coffee grind size chart. The data for these charts comes from our research and the feedback we receive from coffee lovers.