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What is a mazagran?

A mazagran (pronounced MAH-zuh-gran) is an cold drink containing brewed coffee, lemon juice, sugar, ice, and typically a slice of lemon — usually served in a tall glass.

The mazagran is not to be confused with a mazagrin which is what a glass of coffee is called in France.

 A graphic of a glass containing 250ml of brewed coffee, 2 tea spoons of sugar, 15ml of lemon juice, ice and slice of lemon.

Origins of the mazagran

The mazagran originated in Algeria in the mid 19th century. It's considered history’s first iced coffee (although cooled water would’ve been used instead of ice).

It is thought that French soldiers stationed at the fortress of Mazagran found it difficult to drink hot coffee in the scorching heat, so began mixing it with cold water to create a refreshing alternative. The drink was then popularised by returning soldiers in France.

Once popular in France the mazagran spread to other European countries like Portugal, Spain, and Austria, where variations of the drink using ice, lemon, and even rum were popularised.

Mazagran ingredients

A mazagran is mostly brewed coffee (250ml) with added
lemon juice (15ml), sugar (2tsp), and ice – usually topped with a slice of lemon.

How to make a mazagran

  1. Brew 250ml of drip coffee
  2. Pour the coffee into a tall glass of ice
  3. Add 15ml of lemon juice
  4. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar
  5. Stir until the sugar has disolved
  6. Top with a slice of lemon
  7. Serve in the shade to a weary French soldier